Law of Vibration by W.D. Gann (Part 2)
In this second part the application of Law of Vibration, practical examples and discovery of Gann's concept of lost motion
This article is part of a series you can in the Evergreen section: a third and final part will follow. This is one of the most important and fascinating accounts of W.D. Gann's techniques and discoveries. Enjoy your reading!
Now will turn to an examination of general principles of the Law of Vibration, as reflected in Gann's interview with «Ticker And Investment Digest», reading the key steps in its practical application. To begin with, identify the moment marks the beginning of a bullish or bearish trend. This can be done by examining daily, weekly or monthly chart of stock or commodity.
The practical application of Gann’s Law of Vibration
Identify the predominant astrological influence or cycle driving the uptrend or downtrend. In order to achieve this, it will be necessary to examine previous cycles of the stock or commodity in order to identify which particular astrological influences have driven the stock or commodity in the past. In this task, it will be especially helpful to examine the all-time high and alltime low price of the stock or commodity because at these price extremes the astrological influences will typically be very strong or very weak, respectively. Thus, under the Law of Vibration, a high price is caused by a high rate of vibration, which in turn is caused by strongly positive astrological influences.
Identify the general rate of vibration of the uptrend or downtrend. This can be achieved by placing the origin of the Gann angles at the starting point in time and price of the uptrend or downtrend. In this task, it will be helpful to have prepared a transparent plastic chart overlay inscribed with the major Gann angles and their subdivisions. Forecast the approximate date when the predominant astrological influence that is driving the uptrend will end. This can be achieved by consulting an ephemeris and the astrological chart of the start of the uptrend or downtrend.
Forecast the future price when the uptrend or downtrend will end. This can be achieved by identifying the intersection of the general rate of vibration of the uptrend or downtrend and the forecast date that the uptrend or downtrend will end. Monitor one’s forecast, which comprises all of the above elements. In particular, note that short-term positive astrological influences will increase the rate of vibration and temporarily drive prices above the long-term rate of vibration. Conversely, note that short-term negative astrological influences will decrease the rate of vibration and temporarily drive prices below the longterm rate of vibration. However, when these short-term influences expire, stock or commodity prices will revert to their long-term rate of vibration.
Questo articolo è parte di una serie che puoi nella sezione Evergreen: nè seguirà una terza ed ultima parte. Questo è uno dei racconti più importanti e affascinanti tra le tecniche e scoperte di W.D. Gann. Buona lettura!
Ora passeremo all'esame dei principi generali della Legge della Vibrazione, come si evince dall'intervista di Gann al «Ticker And Investment Digest», leggendo i passaggi chiave della sua applicazione pratica. Per cominciare, identificare il momento che segna l'inizio di un trend rialzista o ribassista. A tale scopo si può esaminare il grafico giornaliero, settimanale o mensile del titolo o della commodity.