Everybody Hurts
Those who do this work know that sometimes you have to accept prolonged moments of suffering, after months of lulling yourself into a thoughtless ego
«When your day is long and the night, the night is yours alone. When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on. Don't let yourself go 'cause everybody cries. Everybody hurts sometimes, Sometimes everything is wrong» — R.E.M.
So they used to sing R.E.M. and so it is today with trading. Sometimes suffering is extreme but it is part of the game. Those who do this as a job and are always tuned in to what's happening in the financial markets know that sometimes you have to accept prolonged moments of suffering after months of lulling yourself into reckless ego. In this update episode: The Curious Case of Jerome Powell | Annual Time Map Cycles Don't Lie | New Master Time Cycle Levels. Let’s dig in.

Cosi cantavano i R.E.M. e così accade oggi con il trading. A volte la sofferenza è estrema ma fa parte del gioco. Chi fa questo come lavoro ed è sempre sintonizzato con quello che accade sui mercati finanziari sa che a volte bisogna accettare momenti prolungati di sofferenza, dopo mesi passati a cullarsi nel proprio ego sconsiderato. In questo episodio: Il curioso caso di Jerome Powell | I cicli della Mappa Temporale annuale non mentono | Nuovi livelli Master Time Cycle. Approfondiamo.